Shodno odluci Vlade Srbije o proglašenju vanrednog stanja na teritoriji Republike Srbije usled pandemije i poteškoćama uzrokovanim širenjem korona virusa (COVID-19) kao i preporukama nadležnih institucija Organizacioni odbor takmičenja “Nagrada Banata – 3. Autoslalom Zrenjanin”, na telefonskoj sednici, je doneo odluku o odlaganju takmičenja koje je zakazano za 11/04/2020 vodeći brigu o zdravlju svih učesnika i sprečavanju širenja virusa.
Informaciju o novom datumu održavanja donećemo posle konsultacije Organizacionog odbora sa FIA-CEZ i Sportskim i auto karting savezom Srbije.
Za sva eventualna pitanja možete na kontaktirati na:
- Email:
- FB –
In line with proclamation of State of Emergency by the Government of Serbia, the pandemic and difficulties caused by the outbreak of Corona virus (COVID-19) as well as all the recommendations from authorities, the Organization comittee of the competition “Nagrada Banata – 3. automslalom Zrenjanin”, on teleconference session, has made a decision to postpone the competition which was scheduled for 11/04/2020 having in mind the wellbeing and health of all involved and as a prevention of spreading the virus.
Information areand a new date will be made in consultation between Organizing comittee with FIA-CEZ and SAKSS.
For any and all question you can reach us at:
- Email:
- FB –
Preostalo do početka / Time until start
Live timing
Lokacija / Location
HQ / Service Area
Servisno parkište se otvara od 07h / Service are opens at 07h
Zona za gledanje 1 / Spectator area 1
Zona za gledanje 2 / Spectator Area 2
Satnica / Agenda
Dokumenta / Documents
Ovde možete naći sva dokumenta vezana za takmičenje.
Here, you can find all the documents related to the competition.
On-Line Prijava / On-Line Entry Form
Rezultati / Results
Nacionalni šampionat Srbije
Prvenstvo SAKSS
Otvoreno prvenstvo Srbije / Serbian Open Championship
Centralno-evropska zona / Central European Zone
Preliminarna lista prijava / Preliminary Entry List
Lista se osvežava svaka 24č. / The list is refreshed once every 24h.