Lokacija / Location

[osm_map_v3 map_center="43.6903097,19.655499" zoom="13" width="100%" height="450" file_list="../../Downloads/zlatibor.gpx" control="scaleline" post_markers="1"]

Satnica / Agenda

Dokumenta / Documents

Ovde možete naći sva dokumenta vezana za takmičenje.
Here, you can find all the documents related to the competition.

On-Line Prijava / On-Line Entry Form

    Prijavljujem se za klasu: (applicable only for Serbian competitors)

    Dupla vožnja? / Two drivers on the same car?

    Rezultati / Results

    Preliminarna lista prijava / Preliminary Entry List

    Lista se osvežava svaka 24č. / The list is refreshed once every 24h.